My Unbelief

What we do

Our ministry is uniquely equipped to supply a multiplicity of needs in the church or other Christian organizations. With our combined backgrounds as musicians, speakers, producers, writers, technology marketers, and being bi-lingual and bi-cultural (English/Spanish)…we think we have a unique talent set to offer those in need.
We have programs ready for most any venue:

● Church services and events/conventions
● Prisons
● Halfway houses, youth homes, or elder care facilities
●Public squares/forums such as city parks, auditoriums, RV parks, large parking lots of malls, plazas, Walmart, etc.
● Public schools and universities, Christian schools, and camps
● We are willing to do workshops or coach individuals on music and writing production for local talents in churches who need help or encouragement creating
Tools that we have or are in development for the ministry:

● Gideon Bibles – We are members of the Gideons ministry to distribute free Bibles
● We can produce websites, blogs, podcasts, and other digital media for others
● We have the contacts and resources for professional recording production
● We have a digital production studio for live or recorded broadcasts
● We have experience and resources in traditional and digital marketing
● We have experience in fundraising and use of digital money or payment systems
Topics we desire to focus on through our speaking or workshops:

● What does it take to be saved? (Evangelism settings)
● A Secular Humanist…what is it and can a Christian be one?
● Relationships within the Body of Christ…the Church
●Adventures in Evangelism…how do we share our faith? (Teaching Christians)
● How do we disciple others?…principles of mentorship and long-term development
● The person of the Holy Spirit and His role in evangelism
● Kingdom building…past, present, and future
● The Christian and money
● How Should We Then Live?…the call to discipleship