My Unbelief


What is Christianity?


The world is confused regarding what Christianity is. It has turned into a “religion” it was never meant to be.

J Vernon McGee said; “Christianity is not a ceremony. Christianity is not even the church. Christianity is not a system. Christianity is a person, and that person is the Lord Jesus Christ and its who He is and what He has done. That’s Christianity!”

Today’s secularized and humanized view within many churches is that Christianity is somehow what WE do, what WE believe, what WE know. Paul said I want to know nothing except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. (1 Corinthians 2:2)

True Christology is the simple study of the person and work of Jesus. While we may see nothing simple in the story and ministry of Jesus 2000 years ago, His purpose and calling was very basic and simple in light of God’s plan for mankind. He was to come and die on a cross for the sins of humanity for all time. He died for all that all may live. Yet, He has left us with one act and one act alone to receive the gift of His sacrifice. We must acknowledge that we are sinners, we must REPENT of our sins, and we must accept the FREE gift of salvation offered us. We can do nothing to earn or deserve it. We can never be good enough.

Even Paul the great Apostle, called especially by God on that road to Damascus on his way to persecute Christian believers, never claimed to have earned his salvation or arrived at some level of holiness. Rather he was always describing himself as “chief of all sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15). “For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out.” (Romans 7;18). So, from whence does all this new legalism in many church circles and denominations come from? How have so many Christians fallen under the spell of false doctrine of “by your works are you saved”? The burden of religion…that which tries to bring God down to our understanding…is a never ending failure by trying to be “good enough” and yet knowing you never really are.

From that false religion comes the comparing ourselves with each other. We get our eyes and minds on human leaders and not on the Christ who went to the cross. He came to give us rest from the burden of living in these fleshly bodies…yet so many can only think in terms of trying to deserve what God has already gifted them. Any good that we are only comes as a gift from God to do those works. Faith itself is not something WE DECIDE or arouse within ourselves. It is a GIFT from GOD. Mysteriously, it is available for all humankind, but it is only found by a minority few. How can it be that a majority of people choose to ignore or disbelieve in God’s sacrifice for us? Oh my friends, if we only understood how truly lucky and blessed those of us with faith are in this world. And it is not a blessing to take “pride” in. How can you take pride in a gift freely given you? There is no room for pride in the faith…just thankfulness and making every effort to return the love that has been demonstrated towards us. This is purely SPIRITUAL! Flesh will never see God. Only when your spirit passes over to that eternal side of life that you were created for will you know pure spirituality. In the meantime, like Paul, we “see through a glass darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then will I know as also I am known.” (1 Corinthians 13:12).

So the question today isn’t “what church you go to” or what theology and doctrines you follow. All of true Christian faith rests on the truth found in the PERSON of Jesus Christ and what HE has done. It has nothing to do with what you and I do apart from having enough faith to “accept so great a salvation” (Hebrews 2:3). The regeneration of spirit that comes from this simple act of faith is what will give us the power to “become children of God”. We are His, and He is ours…IF we have truly accepted His salvation with a contrite heart.

THAT is Christianity in a nutshell. It is available to “whosoever will” submit to the Gospel of Christ.

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  • Jeff Ste.Marie
    July 31, 2024 Reply

    This has been a great start to my day Ed! You have simplified and clarified the essence of the gospel of Jesus Christ very well!

  • Lorenzo Small
    July 31, 2024 Reply

    Simple and plain. Amen!

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