“Religion is man’s attempt to reach God. Christianity is God’s attempt to reach man.”
“Religion is the opioid of the masses”…Karl Marx
If I have seen nothing else more clearly during this five week trip to Colombia, it is the spiritual devastation and ravages of “religion”. There is “religion” on every street corner and religious relics offered for sale on every block, yet the culture is full of corruption, crime, and pursuits of the flesh. Spiritual void seems evident everywhere.
From the days of the 1970s “ecumenical movement” brought on basically by the ethics of socialism (Jesus being touted as the first socialist…which He was not), this movement has been in my lifetime the root cause of todays watered down, secularized, socially ineffective, and non-productive Christian churches.
With over 40,000 Christian denominations globally, it’s estimated that:
- A small proportion (10,000–20,000 denominations) have evangelical theology.
- Possibly 2–3 million churches globally preach the evangelical Gospel.
Only 2-3 million churches out of 40,000 Christian denominations representing millions of churches preach the Gospel? My how Christianity has been secularized with a modified message. On a mass scale, you could say the “secular world” is winning the spiritual battle within the Christian faith.
Here is a summary of my thoughts this week on this theme:
I’m OK, You’re OK…all religions are the same
One of Secular Humanisms main themes is that all humans are somehow equal in thought and beliefs. It doesn’t matter WHAT you believe as long as you believe in “something”. The 1970s pop psychology book “I’m OK, You’re OK” was based on “self help” phycological theories and finding meaning “within” which is Humanism’s contrariness to finding truth and help OUTSIDE of ourselves through faith in the divine God. This philosophy tends to relegate religious belief into a selfish “feel good” experience about myself “just as I am” versus believing in a living, life changing God who has established the rules of life from the beginning and wants to mold us into His likeness as His creation. What does your church or religion preach?
The judgment and criticism factor
Religious establishments tend to focus on like-minded persons who think they and their beliefs are special (without foundation) and affiliation or membership is based on us all agreeing about God, the secular world, and a way of living. Most times this is based on a code of behavior I call “legalism” that is at the core of being accepted in that group or church. If you live, look, and act like us…we accept you into membership. If not, we encourage you to go elsewhere.
I might appear hypocritical saying this since I DO believe the true “Church of Christ” IS like-minded and unified in faith. The difference to me though is that our unity is not based on a “code of conduct” or appearances, but is based on the “love code” that Paul established in 1 Corinthians 13. Judgment and criticism cannot reign where 1 Corinthians 13 is truly practiced.
The worship of idols
Most religions of today are chock full of religious symbolism, statues, or edifices that are deemed to be somehow “holy” and meaningful within themselves. Many sectors of Christianity worship saints (dead people), the mother of Jesus, or send holy water or handkerchiefs through the mail for a miracle if one donates to “god” through them.
The Bible is very clear about all of this idolatry, and the fires of judgement both figurative and literal that will fall on those who promote such foolishness. He fiercely judged His own called people, the Jews, on this issue so He will surely judge all others who hold on to idolatrous religious gimmickry. God will not share His glory or honor with any saint, sinner, or “graven image”. (I can hear some of you now calling me an “old fashioned Christian fundamentalist”…so be it.). Scriptures are very clear in both Old and New Testament in whom we worship and place our faith and trust. Often religious leaders or our pets become idols for many who have fallen for all that hero or pet worship.
Lost in church…
People go to churches by the millions and yet come out empty handed/hearted. They go in not really knowing anybody, and they come out no closer to knowing anybody else there…including God. A handshake and “God bless you” does not constitute a loving relationship. The lack of interpersonal relationships in most churches today underline its lack of effectiveness in society. Then, when members simply live out their lives in their own little religious circle…they completely lose sight of the purpose of the Gospel and outreach to THE WORLD.
Church for most today has become just another form of entertainment or tradition, trying to “feel” better, or an inexpensive “country club” experience for building our social circle around “good people”. Unfortunately, there are NO good people there. They are sinners just like us, so that can’t be the main reason to pursue church or religion.
Thankfully I serve a relational God who said “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in their midst” (Matthew 18:20). I am thankful for a risen savior who prefers the company of sinners to “religious” people. I am thankful to know the true “Gospel of Christ” that forgives ALL my sins and offers daily communion through His Holy Spirit where I can live in a constant state of prayer and knowledge of Him without fear of judgment or death. While I understand them, I don’t need the rituals nor to be bound by legalism. (1 Corinthians 15:28) “When all things are subjected to him, then the Son himself will also be subjected to him who put all things in subjection under him, that God may be all in all”. No other religion or teaching will be necessary.
I denounce the ravages of “religion”.
January 19, 2025Muy cierto, las religiones destruyen y distraen la verdad de Cristo. Es realmente triste tanta gente tan ciega de la verdad que Dios nos plantea a través de su palabra en la Biblia.
Wendell Wood
January 20, 2025Thank you for sharing your agitation.
I know it helps.
January 21, 2025My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Christ, my righteousness; I dare note trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name. On Christ the solid rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand! All other ground is sinking sand!