My Unbelief


The Pride of Faith

Galatians 6:14 But as for me, may I never boast, except in the cross of our  Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I  to the

Pride is the most common fault of mankind. Our secular natures are driven by comparing ourselves to others and measuring ourselves by strength or independence from others. Why do so many of various faiths or denominations spend so much time comparing and differing from the beliefs of others? Is it important for you to be more right or righteous than another person? Do we have to attack the beliefs of others in order to be assured of our own beliefs?

When you add religion (mans pursuit of God) to that secular attribute of pride, you can discover some pretty ugly behaviors on the part of people who claim faith in their God. Ultimately, the question needs to be raised whether it is ever correct to have “pride” in our faith.

As an American, it is a very common theme in our country’s history to be a proud one. We are proud to be “free”. We are proud to have a history of wealth. We are proud even to be the most generous of nations when it comes to bailing out the rest of the world financially and militarily. When American Christians then add their “faith” as a basis of pride over other cultures, things get smelly in a hurry.

Since coming back to faith years ago, it has become only too obvious that the “American Gospel” has taken over a large swath of “the Church” in America. Outside of God’s people Israel, He has made no promise nor honored any other nation/state in history, and He will not start now. Every day I see more media messaging from smug believers combining “nationalist” or political attributes with their faith. There is no room for this nationalist idolatry in the scripture or the Kingdom of God. There is ONE King and ONE Lord we are saved to serve and He is not of this earth or of these worldly systems.

Religious pride and a haughtiness that comes from being “puffed up” with emotion or a sense that somehow God sees you as “special” in comparison to other humans is what scripture calls self righteousness. It is putting self gratification in place of praising or glorifying the God of Creation. When the created start thinking of themselves as equal or “commanders” of God, they are idolizing themselves. This is the sin the caused the fall of Satan from God’s heavens along with one third of the angels who followed him. Today we see millions of self proclaimed Christians following these shamefully proud and arrogant ministers, evangelists, and faith healers who are preaching another gospel of self worship or aggrandizement. We are “proud” to be blessed more than others. Be careful not to follow anyone who preaches the elevation of man and flesh to a place of spiritual superiority.

We have as much perversity within many churches today as we have in the secular world. We have tainted the truth and teachings on the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. Religious people have done everything they can to bring God down to OUR level of existence and understanding instead of letting Him help us get beyond and above ourselves.

The only pride Christians should identify with is to identify with Christ. It is not sinful to be proud of who Christ was, is, and always will be. We take solace and comfort in knowing Him in spirit and in truth…not pride. We take comfort in knowing the power of His resurrection which has made us spiritually “alive” in Christ, yet we must always realize it is HIS work in US, not our own works, that create the difference of current experience and the hope of destiny. NOTHING we have or can do is responsible for the power and position we have in this life. Whether we have much…it is His and because of Him. If we have little, it is because He knows we can be content and get by with little. He knows what we all need, but He is not happy when we start comparing ourselves with each other. When we start acting like brat children who are contentious and jealous of what other brothers and sisters have…we start grieving the heart of the Father. When we act like this, it is very likely God, like any good father, will put us on “time out” without his presence or support. It is very similar to when your parents sent you to your room for bad behavior. It was to correct your false perspective and help you realize your need to obey your parents and believe in what they teach you. God does the same to his own children. Faith is not about YOU. Life is not about YOU. We need to get ourselves out of the way if possible and that is my daily prayer about myself.

So, next time the authoritarians in your religious life start acting up and saying you should be proud and about yourself and YOUR blessings in this life…run the other way. Start re-reading the Beatitudes of Jesus for a real perspective. Start reading I Corinthians 13 which sets forth the only real commandments and source of pride we have in this life…to model His love and attributes. You don’t have to feel guilty about your possessions unless they possess you. Likewise, you don’t have to feel remorse or empty because you have few possessions. It may just be that you are the most blessed of all to not need what the average person thinks they need in their lives these days.

Above all things, desire more of Jesus and His Spirit. Don’t be prideful about your blessings. Simply be thankful and don’t over focus on them. If they are gone tomorrow…what will your demeanor be?

Philippians 2:5-7 
Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men.

To be mature in your faith walk, there is no room for self pride. While we recognize our strong position by faith in Christ, let us not pursue “reputation” or having people honor and bow to us in this life. Instead, we are to be the servants of ALL and esteem others greater than ourselves, knowing that someday “every knee will bow and every tongue confess…that Jesus is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:10-11).


  • Hasib
    July 3, 2024 Reply

    This is such a thought-provoking reflection on the nature of pride, especially within the context of faith. The distinction between taking pride in one’s faith and boasting in the cross of Christ is crucial and beautifully articulated here. It’s a powerful reminder to remain humble and focused on Jesus, rather than getting caught up in self-righteousness or nationalistic pride. Thank you for sharing these insights and encouraging us to seek a deeper, more genuine connection with God, free from the distractions of worldly pride.

    • admin
      July 4, 2024 Reply

      Thanks for the encouragement Hasib

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