Where does sin come from and how is it handed down generation to generation?
(Based on a dream last night where I meet an interesting loner who invites me to go for a ride. We end up at a shack in the middle of nowhere where he and two buddies start sharing their souls with one another. Each has a box of possessions in front of them that represents all they have done and who they have known. Finally after a long discussion, my new friend announces he will take a night off from his pursuits of redemption, and spend the evening with his bottle of choice. He doesn’t want to think or feel anymore and he doesn’t even want to share the bottle with me or anyone else. It is HIS cross to bear. The dream ends with his showing me a box full of empty liquor bottles representing wasted time and years…as he goes to add one more to the ugly collection. The mind and his memories are too heavy to bear even though it was obvious he once was destined to be an intelligent and meaningful man.)
The origin of evil over this world is insidious and seemingly hopeless. Where are the answers to the sepulchers of our souls, the vast emptiness that can seem the greatest reality of our daily existence?
We toil towards ends we cannot see. We seek justice and cannot find it. We seek love from those who cannot give it. We seek meaning mostly in that we can touch or feel. We replace the spiritual with the physical and trust statues more than spirits. Thoughts and fantasies of being and doing great things come and go with the wind, but rarely does anything stick.
We live for the purposes of others, controlled by machines and organizations of men whether they be political, cultural, or religious. We feel boxed in by the families we were born into but had no choice therein. We spend our entire short lives trying to make sense of that which we cannot understand nor have any control over.
For many of us honesty only comes over a bottle of whisky or poison drug of choice as we consume ourselves into oblivion either trying to forget or to understand. We want to turn off the mental and emotional anguish that represents the destructions of our souls at the hands of others or the world at large.
The war vet lives the rest of his life wondering why he was called to make such a sacrifice for others. If those others had been his family or tribe he grew up in, it might make sense and not affect him so much. Being it was for a “god” and/or country under which thumb he was born, it is very difficult to think you have, or ever had, any choice over what your life has become.
So the world is full of these lone wolves of men and women whose souls have been sucked out of them by the demons of others. Most never really had a choice of avoiding the destruction life brought them. So many live the rest of their days in reactions to those past circumstances brought by the evil in others. Parents who have raped and pillaged their own children…either literally or emotionally…have simply passed down the soul destruction that was handed to them. There is nothing worse to observe in a child than the mindless obedience and search for love from someone that has neither a right mind nor thimble full of love to give. The orphan that can learn to survive alone and take care of themselves at least has some hope of adoption by someone more honorable than those who should never have had the power of procreation to begin with.
Thank God for adoption. What great joy it is that day when one realizes they have been adopted by a Spiritual Father who never changes. How wonderful to finally find a guide in life whose word is truth and has demonstrated pure, unconditional love. Thank God that He is. Thank God that He comes at some point in most of our lives to offer redemption from the soulless machinations of human kind. As adopted sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father, we have new hope and meaning as we read and live His instructions to us and breathe in His spirit that mystically becomes available to us. Thank God for his kingdom as promised for us to reign with Him forever in eternity. Thank God for the family He has revealed to us and adopted us into by sheer belief and acceptance of a much better fate than was originally offered to us.
Original sin is a bitch, but HE has overcome it on our behalf.
Jesus said, “In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth. (Ephesians 1:3-10)
Wendell Wood
January 11, 2025The discussions of despair or description was on point. However, it was descriptive of side effects…not helpful with respect to origin.
Genesis 1-3 must be studied and Roman 1-3…necessary do you not think so. Even more so with respect to your introduction of scripture with respect to our hope and adoption, our glory.
Do you normally feel incumbent to interpret your dreams?
Points well taken. In trying to stay as brief and on point as possible, it is not possible to cover the whole subject in a blog. Perhaps “Origins of Contemporary Sin” would be a better title? Yet, scripture is clear that “sin is sin”…whether original or not. This was meant to focus on “fallen man” and how that continues person to person, generation to generation, until there is spiritual “regeneration” for those called by God to repentance.
I do think many dreams (not all) have meaning or potential for interpretation. See the book of Daniel…though I am not comparing mine to that. But I do see and sometimes get depressed and affected by the people I run into similar to the man in my dream. For me the reasons for our conditions all go back to that “original sin”…disobedience to God. The wages thereof are unsurvivable without redemption.
January 13, 2025Gracias a Dios por enviar el espíritu Santo sobre ti y hacernos reflexionar.