My Unbelief


Men, the Family, and the Church

The most glaring failure of our present culture is the total breakdown of family structures. Everywhere we look we see divorce, single-parent families, and a total lack of confidence between the sexes on how to relate to one another.  Along with that, add the ridiculous contemporary lies regarding sexuality and identity and it is no wonder there is so little stability or leadership in the world.

Sadly, a majority of us today are damaged goods when it comes to understanding or living within family traditions and constructs. Very few of us anymore can say we grew up with two parents, male and female, who still function as a couple. In most of those cases, divorce and/or abusive relations while still remaining together is the new “standard” by which we measure our understanding of families. It is no wonder secular humanism and its focus on SELF is the predominant mindset of today’s society. We have learned not to trust or need parents, siblings, and are often no longer willing to risk sharing our lives with others because people no longer know how to truly relate and show interest apart from their selfish interests. Most of us are just holding on to the remaining fragments of our self-esteem and confidence since we don’t feel we can trust others…even family members…to love or show us the way.

In this magical past year of personal spiritual reconciliation, it has become clear to me from observation and the Word of God that the core of almost all our problems in this world is simply the breakdown of family structures that defined the human race for so many thousands of years. In a few short decades, our modern society has become a horde of sniveling, self-absorbed, empty sepulchers of what our true humanity was meant to be. The order and definition of society have been taken over by institutions and powers who want to guide humanity into global socialism and a new economic and cultural order.  This new world order is anti-God, anti-individualism, anti-personal sovereignty, and clouds all definitions of society that would value family order and spiritual values based on faith in God. These powers don’t want us to need God. There is no room in this new order for family hierarchies, family leadership, or the core values that sustain our previous cultures. What is desired is one core governance that provides and controls everything for everybody so that there is no NEED for individual rights, excellence, or self-determination.  The march forward is for conformity and “self-sacrifice for the common good” which we have always seen as the way a few horde power and control over the masses. Today we see this exhibited at a whole new level through our institutions and its media.

I am of the strong conviction that God is calling people individually back to Himself in order to restore the balances in nature He put in place.  His historic ways will never fit with these modern new traditions of coercive submission to human “norms”. The blind following of global corporatism and socialist agendas is simply mind-boggling for those still in their right minds. These new values undermine every Judeo-Christian value that spans these past 6000+ years and is now causing a new kind of “civil war” that is personal in nature. Even “nationalism” and patriotism are being replaced by a new pressure to “belong” to the new social global order which is setting up to rule over all things in this world…very soon. With the phenomenal growth of LGBQT rights agenda along with the total insensitivity to rights to life versus the ever-ready suction cups of Planned Parenthood…we see in such a short time the lack of any controls or say of parents over their children. We don’t have to think anymore. Just follow directions, vote their way, and be a good comrade, OK?

With God’s amazing call on my life returning to Biblical understanding, I clearly see that God’s plan and design have always been better than “society’s”. His Word is black and white on most all major subjects, especially when it comes to leadership and roles of men in society and the church.

Each of these is a subject unto itself, but in this blog lets simply state some simple truths that remain today regarding God’s outline for society, families, churches, and the role of men:

  1. God’s initial approach is to and for the individual…not a corporate body or group such as a church. Our first point of responsibility and faith lies in that individual submission to the call of God to have a relationship with Him. It is God’s choice, not ours. Don’t squander His call.
  2. There are only two distinct genders in the world…male and female. It takes two to make a natural baby, and it takes two PLUS a community to adequately raise children. This has not and will not change. It is both science and spirit that tell us this.
  3. The role of a man is to lead and protect his wife and family. It is the role of family members to support and follow that father’s leadership…as long as he is in the right relationship with God.
  4. The church is to be primarily made up of families, worshipping together. Old and young alike are to worship together and share each other’s burdens. Where did all these programs in the church come from that keep families from worshipping together? I would suggest they don’t come from a righteous place.
  5. Children are to be brought up in the nurture and admonition of God through their parents. Children tend to see and understand God based on how they see and understand their own fathers. If fathers are faithful and loving, kids will tend to see God that way as well. Kids may rebel and leave for a time, but in many cases, over time they will return to the truth of God’s ways based on parental examples and the power of spiritual principles. I am one of those returned reprobates who God brought back to submission through the prayers and examples of many Godly friends and family over time. God can do the same in most any family through our obedience and standing on His promises.
  6. The modern church has in general become a weak, useless institution of predominantly women trying to compensate for the lost leadership of their men. I truly believe any rational, spiritual woman would absolutely choose a strong, good spiritual man to be in a relationship with than to deal with a weak, unfaithful, uneducated man who may wreak havoc in her life and that of their children.
  7. It is my view that families can live without the church if they have strong spiritual men at the head, but the church cannot long survive without strong spiritual men to provide leadership. The purpose of the church is to combine the power of spiritually led families to meet the needs of their communities and the world at large. The power of the Gospel is never so evident as when it is practiced and shared by a whole family.

Even now, God is looking for men and families who will submit and love in the ways he has instructed. He is looking for faithfulness, sacrifice, and a full relationship with our whole families. This is the “salt and light” of the world that will change things from darkness to light.  This institution of the family is the only real institution mandated by God from the beginning. It is not kingdoms and governments that will bring peace and prosperity to our world. It is the success of our families that can turn our world around to the values and principles of God’s Gospel.

I pray we men will fully wake up to our calling. If you have a Godly woman with you, she will love and shine so much more brightly because of your obedience to the call of the Gospel. Your children will rise up to bless and honor you. All is possible through the power of God’s Holy Spirit filling our minds and hearts in our daily walk with Him. Be the leader you were meant to be…to your family first, and then your church. This is more important than your career, financial security, or your personal happiness. Those things will come as a RESULT of being the head of a Godly family…not the other way around.




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