My Unbelief


It’s in Silence You Hear God

Psalms 37:7
Be silent before the Lord and wait expectantly for Him.

I usually feel closest to God in the early morning or late night when I am alone and everything is silent around me.

Part of prayer is making an effort to empty my over-active mind of all MY stuff…my plans, my work, my pleasures, my concerns, other people…and almost go numb before God in the meditation of my heart and mind. Some days I succeed better than other days…but nothing surpasses those moments when I sense God’s quiet voice speaking to my inner being. While God does speak through the Bible, He also speaks to us in the moment in our minds and spirits.

Have you ever tried this? Get away from people, noise, music, cellphones, computers, and even the Bible…everything external to focus on your internal. Now listen to your spirit as God connects to it. If you don’t feel His presence right away, invite Him in. Empty yourself of your…self. Confess any sins that come to your mind and ask forgiveness. THEN, listen for His reassuring voice that sometimes comes in a remembered scripture assuring his love and forgiveness. Other times He might bring a song to mind that speaks to what is on your heart. Don’t speak…just listen. Empty yourself of all anxiety or concerns in this physical realm. Focus on His promises, the experiences you have had with Him, and if you haven’t had any…ask for some. Ask Him to fill you with HIS spirit. Ask Him for direction or conviction…then just LISTEN!

I find it more worshipful to spend 5 minutes in silence with God, than 50 minutes of loud church music or emotional yelling all around me. Real worship is silent surrender of yourself and your time to focus on your creator and the Son who shed His blood for your sins so that you might have the hope of eternal life.

Yes, part of worship is presenting our (physical) bodies as a living sacrifice because of the sacrifice He made for us. More than physical, I think it is about a mental and spiritual sacrifice of our time before God. I am often prostrate physically as I submit to listening and surrendering to Him, but it is the condition and position of my heart that matters most to God.

In this day and age when so many seem to think God is exalted in noisy praying, singing, shouting, and jumping up and down…I much prefer prostrate and silent before Him. Sure, there are times it is justified and good to jump and shout in praise just as David did before all the Jews of his day…but most of the time I think it much more productive and prudent to remain silent and listening for HIS voice. I always hope to hear from Him, even if I have to wait. Waiting on Him is a quiet and inert act BEFORE taking action.

“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31


  • Bibi
    December 5, 2024 Reply

    Totalmente de acuerdo, escuchar en silencio. Mi hora favorita es temprano en la manana cuando recien me despierto, inmediatamente me conecto con Dios para agradecer, orar, pedirle dirección y poner el nuevo dia en sus manos para que me envie el Espíritu Santo y me guie.

  • Wendell Wood
    December 5, 2024 Reply

    Perhaps I should wait until spring to comment.

    I do not know where to begin? Have your heard the voice of God in these moments? How did you know it was God’s voice and not another’s voice?

    One with an experience is never at the mercy of one with an argument, or one who might have scripture as a resource.

    Silence is golden and I probably would concur that worship in its most intimate moments is carried out in silence and awe. I have had one experience of that. It is sacred and not to be shared. However, it did not change me forever—I am still a sinner, saved by grace and I cannot fully grasp, nor appreciate the enormity of this calling. Surely—there is no boasting here. God forbid.

    • December 7, 2024 Reply

      We never have anything to boast of. All is the work of God based on his calling, grace, and mercy. I have little to do with it apart from submitting to that mystical regeneration of spirit…that I have nothing to do with.

  • Jeff Ste.Marie
    December 11, 2024 Reply

    Good morning Ed, an inspiring start to my day, thank you. I usually start my day with coffee and some music to both awaken my mind and my heart. The ‘quiet time’ is always good, silence the ‘din’ of everyday life and listen for his still small voice.

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