My Unbelief


In the Beginning…GOD

In my decades of rebellion and spiritual darkness, I used my education and intellect to attempt blowing holes in the Bible as the “word of God”. One of my biggest claims was “KNOWING” that creation must be wrong because “we all know that the earth is older than 6000 years old” (which is the estimated timeline between Genesis and today).

I woke up this morning with this emblazed on my mind…”In the beginning…God”. This blog is not meant to be a dissertation on Creation versus Evolution. It is more about the possibility that God is the god of both. It is now very reasonable in my mind to think that God’s creation IS evolving. I actually hope we are evolving since so much of this fallen world is in a sad state of decay, sinful polluting, and obvious ignorance. We need to evolve out of this spiral of downward devastation…both physically and spiritually, or we will destroy ourselves.

The main point of faith is being the “substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen”. Spirituality is something invisible yet strongly felt in the natural man. It is part of who we are. While most of us see people as human flesh and focus on the body or image of a person…the body is in reality just a container of our unique spirit within. It is a reflection of our spirit in many ways. Our unique DNAs, retinas, fingerprints…these are just physical representations of the miraculous individuality and uniqueness in each of God’s creations.

Science itself is something most of us receive and “believe” in faith. None of us today met Darwin, Aristotle, Copernicus, or any of the ancient astronomers, historians, or original physicists…yet we continue to think rightly or wrongly based on their theories and discoveries in time and space.

Historically and scientifically there is as much proof for the historical Jesus as there is of George Washington or Abraham Lincoln…yet they never found the body of Jesus after his historic crucifixion. This is one of the key challenges for non-believers to prove based on the claims of his followers and Jesus himself that the grave could not hold him. This ladies and gentlemen is the crux of the Christian faith. No other religion or faith has a physically risen Lord from the grave, yet I would suggest there has been more effort to unsuccessfully disprove the risen Christ than there has to prove or disprove that George Washington chopped down a cherry tree as a youth. Hundreds of people witnessed the risen Jesus. No one witnessed Washington chopping down the tree in that history we all read in childhood…yet most Americans who grew up in public schools take Washington’s story literally.

All of this to say to those of us who constantly challenge the gospel of Christ because of our unbelief…why do we think we need to understand every detail and probability of the Genesis creation story? I do not think for a minute that God has explained EVERYTHING he thinks and does in the Bible. He has told us what we NEED to know to support our faith and understanding. As with Jack Nicholson’s famous line in the movie “A Few Good Men”, “You want to know the truth? You can’t handle the truth”.

Much of the Bible is obviously provable along with the rest of the provable history. All the sciences in one way or another support at least the “possibility” that the Bible contains real witnessed history. It’s not just a bunch of made-up fables as much as the Deceiver would like to convince our minds and hearts that these miraculous things didn’t happen.

The main point of creation is simply, “In the beginning…GOD”. Whether it was 6000 years or 6 Billion years ago that God made the earth…it was more than just about our domicile of the earth. He made the heavens and the universe as well. When we are of faith, we somehow know that God IS the author and finisher of EVERYTHING. He is in all and above all. He knows the end from the beginning.  He knew before we were born how many hairs would be on our heads. Most of all, he knew from the beginning of time all that we would choose to do or become. He knew we would choose wrongly and fall far short of the glory he wanted for us via free will and choice. Yet, He still provided a way of escaping His judgment by sacrificing His son Jesus to bodily live and die in our place so that we might know Him and have a chance at eternal life with Him.

We measly humans have very little understanding of these things…whether by faith or through science. I have no problem with the pursuit of science, but I now know also that “without faith, it is impossible to please Him”. When we combine faith with science, we begin to understand from both approaches the vast miracle of creation…and its evolution. We come to understand that even science can be a form of fellowship with God where He teaches us and allows us to better know what He knows and what He has done in space, time, and history.

He is the God of the heavens AND the earth. We can’t even figure out or believe in what he has shown us on this earth. How are we to begin to comprehend His vast knowledge or reasonings for the universe? He is the great “I am” who does not owe us any explanation or understanding of that which is beyond our grasp. Yet even though He could stamp us out of existence like the bunch of clueless ants we might think we are to Him…He showed his love to us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died in our place so that we could have a shot at eternal life with new spiritual bodies.

“For now we see in a mirror, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know fully even as also I was fully known” (1 Corinthians 13:12)

He is God…we are not.


1 Comment

  • sonia bibiana
    November 30, 2020 Reply

    He is Alpha and Omega. He is the beginning and the end of all.

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