My Unbelief


Getting out of step


The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way. (Psalms 37:23)

This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. (1 John 1:5-7)

This past Memorial Day I saw many parades in the news and observed military processions honoring those who have fallen in battle. There is always something magnificent about observing masses of people walking in step and in uniform together declaring unity in a cause.

I cannot help but draw the analogy with the Christian faith. Scripture is full of instruction on how we are to operate in the “Army of God”, unified in faith, and being determined in our mission to do good and reach the world with the Gospel of Christ.

It is quite obvious today that not all who proclaim the faith are in step with each other. There are divisions, dissensions, and simply “soldiers” who are not following their marching orders. It is so easy to get out of step when we are looking at and judging each other versus keeping our eyes on Commander Jesus and matching HIS steps. Some of us have grown faint in faith or have given up the fight for good and righteousness. When we don’t follow orders, we march in the wrong direction, we don’t get fed, and often we are taken out of the fight.

I believe it should be very simple to march in the Army of God. We are to march to the orders of His word and His example. When we get our eyes off of Him, we very quickly get out of line and lose our step and direction. We are not to march as independent “freedom fighters”. I am newly convinced that we are to join ranks with our brothers and sisters in faith to fight our battles together and be uniform in our direction and priorities. If we think too highly of ourselves or compare ourselves with each other, we will not be in unity or conformity to the ways of our Lord.

When we walk together, we all stay in the light together of God’s direction and will.  We find it easier to obey our orders when we do it together versus trying to do it alone.  Surely the Christian walk starts with “basic training” and one-to-one instruction from our superiors and our commander…but the goal is always to build unity in our commitment to being bonded to Christ. We owe Him our all…our allegiance and sacrifice of all that is near and dear to us for the cause of his higher calling.  It is an honor to be called into His service and He has already declared us victors! We should never complain (even though we often do).

Many of us “fear” God…some in good ways, others in destructive ways. It is good to fear the Lord as our sovereign God and leader. We are not to fear him based on guilt or despair. The Holy Spirit continually works in us to build character and righteousness in order to better serve Him. We are in training to overcome sin and limitations. The redeemed have no fear of condemnation or failure. We are commanded to keep training and keep overcoming our obstacles until we are effective in the roles He has called us to.

To this end, I think we need to see the church as a whole, multi-functional, battle installation. Some of us are blessed to be obedient, healthy soldiers of the faith marching and showing the power of God’s spirit through our united works and efforts. Some of us have been called to different battle fronts with our unique skills to present in service to Christ.

The church is also an “infirmary” for the sick and wounded. We cannot expect these to function or march at the same pace as everyone else, but many of us are called to nurse and assist the spiritually wounded back to health until they can retake their place in the battle lines of the faith. For many, there is a time to march, and there is a time to rest and regroup. The battle is the Lords! He will fill the ranks of those who have fallen or become weary.

The greatest joy of marching in God’s army is that we KNOW we will be victorious. The outcome of our battles has been determined by our Sovereign God. He has called us as sons and daughters of the King to act in unity to achieve His righteousness and plan.  We may be wounded or weakened in battle from time to time…but we serve the “Lord of Hosts”.  This means Jehovah/God heads up the heavenly hosts of Angels and all spiritual forces of the universe to back us in battle. They march WITH and all around us in this battle of life as we know it. We are never alone, even when we are wounded or disobedient soldiers. God is always on His way to rescue His soldiers/His sheep from the evil one. He will never leave us or forsake us…even if we occasionally get out of step or out of commission for a time.

So today I just concentrate on staying in step with the orders He has given me. The battle is raging and I have no time or reason to disobey or question my orders. I have the honor of serving my Lord, and all I have to do is keep my eyes on Him and my mind on His instructions in order to be victorious in battle and one day enter the Kingdom and rest that He has promised all of His Army.

Viva La Fe! Onward Christian soldiers. God is taking delight in your uniform steps towards His kingdom that is soon to be revealed.

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