My Unbelief


A Spiritual Response to COVID

This past week I spent 4 nights in the hospital overcoming an attack of the infamous COVID virus. It turns out it spread through our family rapidly, even affecting two members who had the vaccine two months prior.

I had said from the beginning of this global outbreak that the best response to such viruses is always a natural immune response. In the spring of 2020 as governments started shutting down their economies, businesses, and isolating families at home…I knew something was “rotten in Denmark” and the fix was in. The powers that be were not about to let nature or nature’s God control anything. If anything, the purpose of what many of us call the “plandemic” was allowed to take the full course. Eventually, it led to an election in the USA that was obviously bizarre, and in time we are quite sure the proofs of rampant election fraud are being revealed.

After 7-8 weeks of waiting out the early stages of shutdowns in Florida in April and May 2021, I finally packed a car with my things and drove to Michigan to be with and help support an aging mom with dementia and to await freedom for my wife who had been locked down in our home in Medellin, Colombia. I had a strong sense driving to Michigan just how pervasive the darkness was responsible for bringing this biological warfare to our world. I had a strong sense of the spiritual nature and warfare going on though I had been out of faith for over three decades.

Now, well over a year later, we have seen a miraculous revival of spirit and faith in my life. God brought just the right people and church into my life as I was sorting through all of this. I am grateful my return to faith was done alone in my mother’s home in my bedroom over a few nights as God dealt with me through the power of His Holy Spirit. He and me…alone. It was then brilliantly sustained by various friends and family members who called me back into fellowship and ministry through various organizations in my hometown. God’s plan is always good and perfect.

Everywhere I look I see the ravages of people’s fears and sense of doom. The masses have bought into the controls and often corrupt powers of all the international and domestic healthcare organizations. Government representatives and their controls on today’s media have elicited the highest rate of propaganda and misinformation in the annals of recent history.

The good thing for those of us who have overcome the virus is that our natural immunity should now be good against it for 5-6 years. This has much better prospects than counting on these various man-made antiviruses that were rushed to market with very little testing or review. Hardly anyone knows what is in them, many people are getting sick or dying from the vaccines, and obviously many are still coming down with the virus. In our family, we were two for three with vaccinated members getting the virus. What are the odds? Probably high.

There seems to be an obvious correlation between obesity and bad health that makes people succumb to this virus. Then with the shutdowns, we have seen tremendous rises in substance abuse, home domestic disputes, depression, and a lack of meaning and hope for the future.

So, what should we now do and what should our spiritual response be to the obvious evils upon us? I, unfortunately, see professing Christians as being as fearful and irrational to this thing as the rest of the world.  People are wearing masks (where it has been scientifically proven masks do not stop the virus, especially the mask types commonly used by people) and they are afraid to shake hands, hug, or practically make eye contact in the church and elsewhere. This fear is outright unspiritual and irrational at the same time. Alas, the fear of death seems to rule all…yet the mortality rates have been very low on a mass basis meaning your odds of getting it at some point are high, but mortality is not. I am glad I got it out of the way as well as most of my family.

Unfortunately, I believe our battles over this have only just begun. The globalists and their minions have seen just how easy it is to control and destroy our freedoms over such biological warfare. While it is quite obvious this attack started in China, there is much evidence that they are just one major party or actors perpetuating this. For global powers that support global socialism and controls, one only has to study the global elites who form around Davos, Switzerland for the past decades who commiserate with The Chinese Communist Party and who have seen America as the last bastion of a constitutional republican form of democracy. I have been following them for 20+ years and will continue to do so.  Theirs are the antithesis of Biblical and traditional justice and economic freedom as they continue to support the falseness of Critical Race Theory and Social Justice. We must prepare to do battle with absolutist governance in our world even though we know this is “not our world” systematically. But it IS God’s world, and eventually, He WILL have His way and will in it. The Bible contains all we need to know of this reality.

  1. So in response, let those of us who have the gift of faith impart it to all those around us. Do not become indoctrinated in the world’s system of governance and media propaganda. Be in the word daily and compare all things with the promises or commands of our Holy God.
  2. It is time to show more brotherly affection than ever. Do not be afraid to assemble yourselves together and this is clearly the will of God concerning you.
  3. It is also time to consider getting healthier. There are huge resources of information and diets out there that will give us resistance to these viruses naturally. The basics are simple…get rid of enriched sugars and processed foods. Eat whole and organic, probably gluten-free. This is not hard to do in these times with many options through the food stores. Health is a choice! Let this be one of your spiritual principles for your life.
  4. Finally, worship, worship, worship! God inhabits the praise of His people. There is tremendous power and redemption even in this pagan world for God’s people who will worship Him in spirit and in truth.

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ. (Ephesians 5:15-21)

I look forward to seeing you all in church and worshipping together.



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