My Unbelief


More reflections on suffering

“…we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us”. (Romans 5:3-5)

On this trip to Colombia for 5 weeks, I brought along Elizabeth Elliot’s book, “A Path Through Suffering”. My whole life I have struggled to understand the role of “suffering” for a Christian. I am just starting to package and put some understanding away in my mind and heart.

It should be obvious to us all that it is “appointed for man once to die” (Hebrews 9:27) in the physical. Dying is rarely a nice experience to have or observe in others. Of course it doesn’t end there per our faith. “After that the judgment” is the rest of the story. Physical death is just the beginning of what we were created for…fellowship with God.

I grew up in Christian traditions that believed in divine healing. I have seen them happen…and more often I have seen them denied. Thus I must believe they are possible, but I also don’t have the audacity to believe they will always happen just because I have faith. As I have been repeatedly saying in my blogs, the results of my faith are not about getting my way in this life, but more about submitting to HIS ways…whether I like or agree with the outcome to my prayers or not.

I have a number of brothers and sisters in Christ who have fallen for the signs and wonders or prosperity gospel. It truly is alluring as a human and I am happy for them when they get their miracle or prosperity, but I have to question their reasonings when they don’t. Some think it is because of sin or unbelief that one does not receive their “blessing”. The more I reflect on scriptural context and the experiences of so many whose strong faith has been more highly expressed in submitting gracefully to God’s will that may not include healing or prosperity, the more I realize that true faith is expressed in lives like Job’s or more clearly in the humanity of our Savior who submitted to the pain and suffering of the cross…even when He COULD have called on ten thousand angels to deliver Him from those circumstances. He CHOSE to lay down His life and suffer per His calling.

If we are truly spiritual we are to have peace and hope no matter if we are experiencing blessings or trials and temptation.

As Elizabeth Elliot so eloquently discussed this point, in Christ “suffering was indispensable for the world’s salvation. There is no other way but the cross. The servant is not greater than his Lord. If we suffer with Him, we shall also reign with Him”. (Pg 65)

We do not live for blessings in this life, but reserve our inheritance for the next life. If we believe this truth, we can overcome any adversity this life can bring. Faith’s purpose is not about what can be experienced or expected in this life. Sure, we are to be thankful for His blessings of good health and prosperity in this life as they DO come from Him, but we are to be equally thankful in our weakness and suffering knowing that “all things work together for good for those CALLED according to HIS purposes” (Romans 8:28).

So whether you are healed or suffering, rich or poor, free or imprisoned, happy or sad today…rejoice in the fact Christ shares in both your blessings and sufferings. He relates…and He will never leave or forsake you no matter your current condition. We all will suffer someday, so don’t rest too much in your “blessings”.

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  • Wendell Wood
    January 25, 2025 Reply

    I think your comments are on point. That has not always been the case…but they may not be your issue but mine.

    There is a metaphysical frame of reference one brings to scripture as well as those seek to illuminate.

    Much more could be said of course but your words ring true.

    You have capture well the example of Jesus in the Garden, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven and Paul’s dictum: I have learned to be content!

    Thank you!

  • Ted
    January 30, 2025 Reply

    Good word Ed. I will always seek Him for healing and blessings because it is scriptural. But when they do not come I will always remind myself that the prize is found in submission and surrender to His sovereignty, He is God and I am not. He sees from an advantage point I am not capable of seeing from and I must trust in His righteousness to make the right decision for the situation.

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